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Our aim is to find and help distressed children whose voice is not heard!

Hundreds of thousands of charities and humanitarian organizations help distressed children all over the world. Yet, hundreds of millions of children suffer on a daily basis, unheard.

Most of us who want to help children are aware of what is happening in Africa, India and the Middle East. However, there are children in other parts of the world such as Ukraine, whom the publicity doesn’t reach: their need is urgent.

We invite you to help us for the following reasons:

We try to support distressed children who have no voice in the world, and to give them fresh hope.

The Maria Relief Fund is managed by volunteers, in a self-sustaining and efficient way. Most of the money we raise goes directly to the children and their families. The personal connection we developed with our supporters inspired some of them to make the commitment to run the work of the charity.

Our administrative overheads are kept to a minimum so they do not stand between donor and beneficiary. We nurture the trusting relationship between our volunteers, beneficiaries and the charity.

Many large charity organizations, for all the good work they do, have to be run on big business lines. Donations tend to support the administration first, resulting in some loss of the vital connection and desire to assist those in distress.

Our charitable aim is to support distressed children who are victims of war, natural disaster or poverty. Since 2007, the Maria Relief Fund has been looking after children in four villages in west Ukraine. We don’t want these children to end up in orphanages; we want them to be able to stay with their relatives.

Our involvement developed through a personal contact; the project is now flourishing. We encourage local authorities and churches to engage in our work. The growing number of volunteers within the four villages, show how the community is becoming self sustaining.

We focus on the childrens’ education, to empower them, and to develop the community’s self-sufficiency. During our visits to Ukraine, we observed positive changes in the attitude of the carers and children to education. The children enjoy their studies, and are eager to learn English so as to communicate with us.

Our network of Friends and Supporters provides the financial resources for our work. We keep you informed through the website, of the ongoing work of the Trust, and of how your gift is being utilized. Getting to know our Friends more closely over the years, created a healthy environment and relationship, which guarantees the future of our work.

It is important to confirm that we refer to the advice contained in the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit when reviewing the Trust’s aims and objectives, and in planning future activities and setting the grant making policy for the year.

We are a “small extended family” of volunteers with a big vision!

We welcome your generosity among us, and your gift. Small is beautiful, large is the heart and open hand.



Maria Relief Fund
20 Morris Road, Lewes
East Sussex BN7 2AT

Registered Charity No.

[email protected]

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